Kelowna Tree Masters

Stump Grinding & Removal

Stump removal is often necessary after a tree has been cut down especially if you need the land cleared. There are a few different ways to remove a stump, and the most effective option depends on the size and condition of the stump. If the stump is small and in good condition, it may be possible to remove it with a chainsaw or other hand tools. If the stump is large, or in poor condition, we might have to use an excavator to finish the job.

 You may need to have the stump removed for a variety of reasons. It could be causing damage to the roots of your other trees. Or it could simply be a safety hazard. It could be a fire hazard. Maybe you're just tired of it and want to go ahead and have it removed. No matter what the reason, our tree care specialists can create a customized game plan on how we can go about removing it and maybe even grinding the stump for mulch around your home.


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Stump Grinding

Stump grinding is the process of using a machine to grind the stump down into small pieces and should only be done by a professional arborists. A stump grinder is a piece of heavy equipment with a spinning carbide-tipped steel wheel on the front. We lower the wheel onto the edge of the stump and move it from side to side as it spins, grinding deeper into the stump with each movement.  Whether it's a huge stump left over after cutting down a tree, a tree stump that's been rotting in place for years, or a bunch of smaller tree stumps littering your lawn, our heavy-duty stump grinder will make quick work of it. We grind 6-8" below grade and rake the stump mulch back into the hole, or you can choose to use the mulch elsewhere in your yard and fill the hole with topsoil so you can cover it with sod or plant a garden on top.

3 Reasons For Grinding Your Stumps
Quickest & Most Efficient Method 

Grinding can be completed in just a few hours depending on the size of the stump. 


The process does not require extensive digging or excavation.


Simpler and less time-consuming process than stump removal and the most affordable option.

Complete Stump Removal

Complete Stump removal involves physically digging out the entire stump, including the roots. This process is more labor-intensive and requires more equipment than stump grinding. Stump removal can be a good option for those who want to replant in the same location or for those who want to completely eliminate the stump from their property.

    Consider these benefits

  • Eliminate eyesores for good!
  • Make way for future construction
  • New room for replanting



The best option for removing a stump depends on several factors, including the size and location of the stump, the intended use of the space, and personal preference. In general, stump grinding is a good option for those who want a quick and efficient removal process at a lower cost. Stump removal, on the other hand, is a more labor-intensive process that completely eliminates the stump from the property.


Why Remove A Stump?

Leaving a stump untouched causes roots to rot, eventually creating homes for pests, fungi, and other organisms. Termites may be attracted to stumps, eating wood that has already begun to decay. These termites can pose an immediate risk to your home if not noticed!  Contact Kelowna Tree Masters today and stop critters before its too late!

DIY Stump Removal

While you can rent a smaller stump grinding machine, it's not much use for anything but the smallest tree stumps. Plus, you have the expense of having it delivered (unless you own a truck and trailer to transport it yourself), you'll need fuel to run it, and you'll have to figure out how to operate the machinery without tearing up your yard and shooting debris everywhere. It's not uncommon for DIYers to end up with broken windows! Another option we've seen homeowners attempt is to wrap chains around the stump and try to pull it out with a truck. That rarely ends well (unless, perhaps, it's just a small shrub). Shredded tires, stumps flying through the rear window, or chains coming loose and whipping through the air are just some of the common outcomes. If you have a tree stump that you want to have removed, your best option is to call in the stump removal experts. Not only is it safer, it's usually cheaper and much, much more effective!

However, although we dont advise removing a stump on your own mainly for some of the safety reasons mentioned above. you can remove a stump by yourself as well. The most common and recommended is to use a chainsaw. The first step is to measure the height and width of the stump. Then, you will need to purchase a chainsaw that is powerful enough to cut through the stump. The next step is to mark the outline of the stump with spray paint, then you can begin cutting it down to your mark. Be sure to avoid any underground cables or wires. Its always good to check with the city to make sure there's nothing in the way under ground.

   Still Stumped?

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  • Why is stump removal necessary?

    Stumps in your yard are unattractive, reduce your home’s curb appeal, and sometimes occupy parts of your landscape you could otherwise use and enjoy. Worse still, stumps are dangerous because they – and their root systems — are a tripping hazard, particularly at night. When a tree has been cut down, and a stump remains, that stump becomes a welcoming haven for invasive organisms that infiltrate the stump and lead to its further decay. Stumps host pests, snakes, and vermin. Once these species invade and multiply, they can prove quite expensive to remove. Timely stump grinding prevents these pests from inhabiting your yard.

  • How long does it take to remove a stump?

    The time it takes to remove a stump depends on its size and location. A small stump in an accessible location can be ground in about 15 minutes, while larger stumps in harder-to-reach areas can take hours.

  • How much does it cost to remove a stump?

    The cost to remove a stump can range from $150–$1,000+. The price depends on the size of the stump and how difficult it is to access.

  • What is stump grinding?

    Stump grinding is the process of using a piece of machinery called a ‘stump grinder’ to remove unwanted tree stumps. A stump grinder has a circular blade that lies perpendicular to the ground, like a lawn mower on its side, and this rotating blade chews away at the stump wood, reducing it to chips. Stump grinders have the ability to dig down below ground level to get to the very depths of the stump.

  • Will stump grinding damage my property?

    Stump grinding will not damage your property if done correctly. We put down mats to protect your lawn/landscape from heavy equipment and use barriers to cover or protect nearby structures. Grinding a stump does leave a hole, which we can fill in with dirt and the wood chips created.

  • Is stump grinding a dangerous process?

    As with all tree removal equipment, stump grinding can be dangerous. When using a stump grinder, we take every safety precaution, are familiar with the powerful equipment, know the risks involved, and are properly trained to eliminate excess danger.

  • Can I replant something where my tree stump used to be?

    This answer depends on which removal method you use. If the stump has been dug out and all of its root system removed, it’s possible to put something where it used to be in your yard. On the other hand, if the stump has been ground out, there may still be part of the root system underground. The decomposing stump can also change the soil’s pH. This may cause long-term soil benefits down the road but may also negatively affect your plants in the short-term. It is always wise to test your soil before planting anything, but especially if you are planting over a ground stump.

  • Will the stump just decompose naturally if I leave it alone?

    Eventually, yes. But, older tree stumps can take 20 or more years to decompose, which varies depending on the presence of pests or diseases. The stump will continue to be a visual and physical nuisance in your yard during that time.

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